
Computer screen showing an email messageThe Task

What I Want You to Do

Finish your Description Project, and assess your own draft by completing this checklist. Once you confirm that you have met the basic requirements, upload your finished project in Part 2 of Week Eleven Module.

Why I Want You to Do It

In the workplace, you should be able to compare your work against a list of specifications to determine if your project is complete. This checklist works in just that way: You must be able to confirm every one of the project criteria in the checklist before you can turn in your work.

How You Do It

  1. Review the Technical Description Criteria, which outlines the requirements for the project.
  2. Review the CRAP Design Principles, which accounts for one of the criterion on the checklist.
  3. Complete the checklist below, indicating the criteria for the Technical Description Project that you have met.
  4. Submit your checklist responses and check your points total for the activity:

Obtaining the Points for Your Work

  1. You will automatically receive the points for your work when you submit this checklist. Canvas checks the work and awards the points. You can complete the checklist as many times as necessary to earn full points.
  2. Once you earn full points, you MUST also submit your project in Part 2 of the Week Eleven module.
  3. Once you submit your project video, Traci will review your work:
    • If she finds that it does not meet the requirements for the assignment, she will adjust the points on your checklist and ask you to resubmit once you have revised to meet the project criteria.
    • If she finds that you did not submit your project, she will adjust the points and ask you to submit it.
    • Otherwise, she will give you feedback. Your points will not change.