Assignment Dates
- Due Date: By 11:59 PM on Friday, March 24, 2023.
- Grace Period: Ends at 11:59 PM on Friday, April 28, 2023.
What I Want You to Do
Compose and record a three-minute presentation that pitches the basic information about the food-related challenge you will examine in your Recommendation Report (see the Recommendation Report Topic page for more information). Your audience for the presentation is the president of the university, since he has the ability to put your recommendations into action.
You will write prepare slides that follow the six-point plan for a pitch, which is explained on the What Is a Pitch? page and in the LinkedIn Learning video “The Elevator Pitch” (3m 32s). Your presentation will include slides and the voiceover. You can include your image as well if you want, but it is not required.
Why I Want You to Do It
Your pitch presentation is three minutes or less, so it requires you to create a clear, concise statement of your topic and how you will address it. Additionally, you will get practice in persuasive oral presentations, which are a highly useful skill in the workplace.
Show/Hide Relevant Course Objectives
Relevant Course Objectives
- Analyze the rhetorical situation and determine the appropriate audience or users of written communication, considering the needs of global audiences and people with disabilities. [CLO 1]
- Prepare to conduct research appropriate to workplace problem solving, such as literature review, evaluation of online resources, interview, and site inspection. [CLO 2]
- Consider the ethical and human implications of my situation. [CLO 3]
- Use conventions of various workplace genres, such as proposals, instructions, correspondence, reports, and slide decks, with understanding of how the genre conventions can be used as heuristics and as principles of arrangement. [CLO 4]
- Collaborate with classmates in planning, researching, writing, revising, and presenting information. [CLO 5]
Where You Can Find Help
How You Do It
- Review the Pitch Criteria to understand the requirements for the Full Draft.
- Choose a topic for your Recommendation Report, using the details on the Recommendation Report Topic Overview page.
- Use the information in the textbook and on the Tip Sheet: Pitch to sketch out the organization for your presentation.
- Create the slides for your presentation, followng the advice in the Designing a Presentation video course.
- Record your video, using your slides. These resources provide technical help:
Success Tip
You should be able to answer “True” to each question before you submit your work to the Full Draft Submission. If you do not meet each of the criteria listed, your draft will be marked Incomplete and you’ll need to revise.
Review your video by comparing it to the Pitch Self-Check.
- Choose one of these options based on your Self-Check:
- If you answered “True” to every question, move on to the next step. You’re ready to submit your work.
- If you did not answer “True” to every question, follow this process:
- Return to your draft and revise so that you can answer “True.”
- Review your draft with the Pitch Self-Check after you revise.
- If you answered “True” to every question, move on to the next step. You’re ready to submit your work.
- If you did not answer “True” to every question, continue revising until you can.
- Submit your Full Draft here once you are ready. See How do I submit an online assignment? if you need help with Canvas.
How to Find Feedback After Your Submit Your Work
- Watch for feedback comments from me—find feedback in annotations and comments on your submissions in Canvas.
- I will mark your work Complete in Canvas Grades, if you have met all the criteria for the assignment.
- I will mark your work Incomplete in Canvas Grades if your draft needs revision OR if you do not submit your work by the end of the grace period.
- Watch for this assignment to reappear in your to-do list if you need to revise.