The Recommendation Report focuses on a food-related challenge that Virginia Tech students face and makes a recommendation to your readers on how to address the challenge. To meet the expectations of the project, you will conduct primary and secondary research and write a document that includes customary sections (e.g., intro, methods, results, conclusions, and recommendations), along with front and back matter.
Recommendation Report Criteria
With examples, graphics, and appropriate formatting, your report will likely be 10–15 single-spaced pages. There is not a minimum or maximum page length, but be sure to include all of the required information.
My recommendation report . . .
Check the Textbook
Use this information from Technical Communication to shape your document:
- Focus on Process: Recommendation Reports, on page 487.
- A Problem-Solving Model for Recommendation Reports, Figure 18.1, on page 488.
- Ethics Note: Presenting Honest Recommendations, on page 491.
- Elements of a Typical Report, Table 18.1, on page 492.
- Guidelines: Writing Recommendations, on page 494.
- Tech Tip: Why to Make a Long Report Navigable and How to Make a Long Report Navigable, on page 498.
- Guidelines: Writing an Executive Summary, on page 500.
- Writer’s Checklist, on page 528–529.
- Sample Report, Figure 18.8, on pages 504–527.
- Focuses on an approved topic that meets the criteria on the Recommendation Report Topic page.
- Addresses ethical issues related to the analysis and recommendation (Chapter 2).
- Includes the following sections and relevant information, in this order, in the report:
- Front matter
- letter of transmittal (p. 495)
- title page with a specific title (p. 495)
- abstract (pp. 495–496)
- detailed table of contents (p. 496–497)
- list of illustrations (p. 497–499)—optional, include if relevant
- executive summary (p. 499–500)
- Body
- introduction (p. 493)
- methods (p. 493)
- results (p. 493–494)
- conclusions (p. 494)
- recommendations (p. 494)
- Back matter
- references/documentation (p. 502–503)
- appendices, including the instructions for primary research, and any other relevant materials (p. 503)
- Uses professional design and formatting that does the following:
- Makes a good first impression as a polished, professional document.
- Makes positive use of the CRAP Design Principles (p. 256).
- Makes information easy for readers to find and read.
- Emphasizes important information (pp. 197–217).
- Uses well-integrated and well-designed visuals to clarify the information (pp. 300–345).
- Is an original project, written by you, not copied or rephrased from another source. If you copy or rephrase from another source, you will earn an Incomplete for the project and be reported to the Honor System.