What You Will Learn and Practice

Computer screen showing an email messageWhat I Want You to Do

Watch the LinkedIn Learning video to learn about how to design your slides effectively. The video will tell you about layout and design, including choosing colors, fonts, and images. The full course lasts just short of an hour. The video is FREE with your Virginia Tech login.

Why I Want You to Do It

This video course has received many positive comments from students in the past, so I know that you can learn something that will help as you design the slides for your Pitch Presentation.

When to Do It

How You Do It

  1. Watch the complete LinkedIn Learning course Designing a Presentation (56m). The video is free with your VT login. Follow these instructions to login. If you need additional help, contact 4Help.

    Screenshot from the LinkedIn Learning course Designing a Presentation
  2. Once you finish the course, download the Certificate of Completion and upload the file to this assignment. If you need help, check the LinkedIn Learning help file View and Download Learning Certificates of Completion.

How to Assess & Track Your Work

You track and grade your own work in this course. Be sure to complete the following tasks:

Work is always marked as either 1 for Complete or 0 for Incomplete: