What You Will Learn and Practice
- analyze your audience and purpose so that you can choose the best way to present information clearly and effectively. [CLO 1]
- write documents you may encounter in the workplace, such as letters, memos, proposals, reports, and presentations. [CLO 4]
What I Want You to Do
Gather additional material for the introduction to your report by answering the questions included in Markel and Selber’s Technical Communication on page 493. Once you answer the questions, you can begin connecting and revising the information into your introduction section.
Why I Want You to Do It
You are working on a long report that includes many sections. Working on the sections one-by-one is a good way to avoid being overwhelmed. You can use your Pitch Script for some information in your Introduction, but there are more details to include. These questions include information that you will expand upon later in the report.
Where You Can Find Help
- From Markel & Selber, Chapter 18, “Writing Recommendation Reports”:
- The details on the Introduction Section, from p. 493:
“The introduction helps readers understand the technical discussion that follows.”
- Example Introduction Section, on pp. 510–511 (part of the sample recommendation report in Figure 18.8).
- LinkedIn Learning video, “How to write an introduction” (4m 8s), from the Technical Writing: Reports course.
When to Do It
- Suggested Due Date: By 11:59 PM on Friday, April 15, 2022.
- Grace Period: The grace period for this activity ends at 11:59 PM on Friday, April 29, 2022.
How You Do It
- Download the Introduction document (a word processor file).
Note: you must download the file. Everyone in the class uses the same file, so you cannot edit the file at the link.
- Open the file in a word processor and add your answers, following the instructions in the document.
- Add more lines to the answer spaces as you need. You can write as much as you want to.
- Write informally. You are gathering notes, not writing the final version for your report.
- Save the finished document once you add all your notes, and use the information when you move on to Writing Your Introduction..
How to Assess & Track Your Work
You track and grade your own work in this course. Be sure to complete the following tasks:
This is a working draft for your Best Submission. It is marked Complete in Canvas when you submit it for one of the two Feedback Discussions.