What You Will Learn and Practice

What I Want You to Do

Icon showing the page from a report, with written text, a line graph, and a pie chart.Once you confirm that you meet all the requirements for the Recommendation Report by completing the Recommendation Report Checklist, upload your finished project.

Why I Want You to Do It

In the workplace, you send your work out after you confirm that it meets all of the requirements. At that point, your client, manager, or other stakeholders examine the work and let you know if it fits their needs. We are following the same structure now. You confirmed your work met the requirements by completing the checklist. Now it’s time to send your work on to me so I can respond.

Where You Can Find Help

When to Do It

How You Do It

  1. Review the Assignment Submissions documentation from Canvas if you need instructions. For this assignment, you can submit any of the following:
    • File Upload: upload your project and anything else you want me to see for the project.
    • Website URL: paste in a link to your project on a site such as Google Drive or YouTube.

How to Assess & Track Your Work

You track and grade your own work in this course. Be sure to complete the following tasks:

Work is always marked as either 1 for Complete or 0 for Incomplete: