Assignment Dates

See the Short Guide for an explanation of these dates.

A page from a report showing an sticky notes and text, with a yellow pencil beside the paper.What I Want You to Do

You and the members of your group will write a recommendation report that analyzes the usability of a website that a Virginia Tech student would use in the workplace or in the course of their academic work at the university.

You will include customary sections (e.g., intro, methods, results, conclusions, and recommendations), along with front and back matter. Your report will probably be 10–15 pages long, including all sections.

Why I Want You to Do It

You will write longer documents in the workplace, usually with a team of people. This assignment examines the various parts that comprise a long report and asks you to practice formatting and arranging a long document.

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Relevant Course Objectives

  • Identify and define a problem or subject related to your particular field (or another specific problem according to your assignment’s directions) and assemble and analyze research related to this problem. [CLO 1]
  • Analyze the context of this problem or subject and determine appropriate audiences for the unit’s deliverables. [CLO 2]
  • Practice workplace genres associated with a team-based research project: a research proposal, meeting minutes, a progress report, a recommendation report or an informational report for non-expert readers, a slide deck presentation of the report, and a video presentation. [CLO 3]
  • Practice team and collaborative work in all phases of project management. [CLO 4]
  • Design strategies for evaluating the overall effectiveness of the suggested approaches to the researched problem. [CLO 5]
  • Illustrate the ethical and human implications of the solutions proposed for solving the problem. [CLO 6]

Where You Can Find Help

The Scenario for the Project

You work as a Usability Consultant at a Maroon + Orange Digital, where I (Traci) work as a Founding Owner and the Director of Project Development. I’ve approved your proposal to recommend improvements to usability of an existing website, and I’ve asked your group to write a Recommendation Report to share with the client.

Your job is to collaborate to write a formal recommendation report. You’ll address your report to the person who can decide to implement the recommendations that your group suggests. You’ll follow the instructions below in the “How to Do It” section.

How You Do It

Light bulb icon, indicating a good ideaImportant Note: Because the Recommendation Report is long with many sections, instructions and advice for each of the sections are listed separately for this assignment. Visit each of the pages to be sure that you include the required information for each section.

Follow the instructions in the three sections below to

  1. Plan the work and update the schedule your group will follow to write the recommendation report.
  2. Write the recommendation report collaboratively.
  3. Review the recommendation report draft and revise/proofread as necessary.

Section 1: Planning the Work for Your Recommendation Report

  1. Review the Recommendation Report Overview, the Recommendation Report Criteria, and the example report to understand the requirements for the project.
  2. Ensure that your website backup is complete. If anything on the website has changed, update your backup so that you have the most recent files. Here are some ways to make a backup:
    • Print out the webpage on paper, ensuring all the information on the page prints.
    • Print the webpage and choose to print a PDF, so you’ll have a digital backup.
    • Save a backup to the Wayback Machine by following these instructions.
  3. Use the information in the readings, the Recommendation Report Overview, and Recommendation Report Criteria to divide the work for your group’s report, considering the two basic ways to work.
  4. Review the schedule that your group included in your Progress Report with one another. Update the schedule as needed. These tips still apply:
    • Create your schedule to finish by the due date. If your group gets down to the last minute and needs to use the grace period, that’s fine; but plan to be on time.
    • Pay attention to the way that sections of the report rely upon one another. For instance, it‘s hard to write the recommendations before you have the rest of the report written.
    • Consider the tips on how to Plan a strategy for scheduling from UNC’s Writing Center.
  5. Set up a Google Doc or shared Word doc for your group’s Recommendation Report. Share the document with everyone in your group, so that you can all edit. Also share the Doc with me ( Find additional ways to share your document and related information in this UNC Writing Center Tip Sheet.
  6. Add headings in the document for each of the required sections (listed in the Recommendation Report Criteria) of the report. Use the styles in the word processor your group has chosen to format all of the headings consistently, following the relevant documentation:
  7. Review the documentation style that the group will use for the Recommendation Report to ensure that everyone adds citations in the same format. You can use whatever style your group has chosen. Consult the Citation and style manuals guide from the library and the Documentation and Citations page for help.
  8. Make any other decisions necessary to ensure that all sections flow in a coordinated way. For example, make decisions about how you will refer to your website: will you use its full name or a shortened version?

Section 2: Collaborating to Write Your Recommendation Report

  1. Compose the body of your Recommendation Report with your group, using the following linked instructions for each section of the document:
    Flowchart showing this is the sections of the report body: 1. Introduction. What is this document about? 2. Methods. What did you do? 3. Results. What did you see or determine? 4. Conclusions. What does it mean? 5. Recommendations. What should we do?
    The Sections of the Body of the Recommendation Report
  2. Compose the front matter for your Recommendation Report with your group, using the instructions linked below. Remember that you need to complete the body sections before you work on the front matter. Why? You cannot write summaries of the information in your report before you write the report.
    Flowchart showing the items in the report's front matter: 1. Letter of Transmittal: Introduce the primary readers to the purpose and content. 2. Title Page: List the title, author, and date as well as the recipient. 3. Abstract: Provide a brief technical summary for readers familiar with the topic. 4. Table of Contents: List headings and sub-headings with page numbers or links. 5. Executive Summary: Summarize the background, findings, and implications for management.
    The Sections of the Front Matter of the Recommendation Report
  3. Compose the back matter of your Recommendation Report with your group, following the instructions linked below:
    Flowchart showing the sections of the back matter: 1. References. List all of the sources for your report, using the style preferred by your field. 2. Appendixes. Provide any supplemental information that is too bulky to include in the body of the report.
    The Sections of the Back Matter of the Recommendation Report
  4. Add at least three visual elements, following these criteria:
    • Use as many visuals (e.g., photos, illustrations, flowcharts, tables) as needed to make the subject compelling and enhance the message in the content.
    • Do not add decorative illustrations.
    • Include textual references to visuals to integrate them into the text.
    • Wrap text around visuals.
  5. Use in-text citations throughout the report, following the style system your group decides upon. Be consistent, and use the same style throughout. In other words, don’t use IEEE in the Introduction and then switch to APA in the Justification section. See the Documentation and Citations for Your Projects page for help.

Section 3: Checking and Revising Your Recommendation Report

  1. Assemble all parts of the report if you have worked separately so that you have one document.
  2. Review the structure and document design of your report, using the Professional Design for Reports page to guide your work.
  3. Review the document to ensure that the text is clear and complete, using these Revising, Editing, and Proofreading Tips
  4. Check and update your group’s report with the review tools in your word processor, using the following links if you need instructions:
  5. Check and update your report for accessibility, using the following links if you need instructions:
  6. Success Tip
    You should be able to answer “True” to each question in the Self-Check before you submit your project. If you do not meet each of the criteria listed, your draft will be marked Incomplete and you’ll need to revise.
    Complete the Recommendation Self-Check, and decide with your group whether to submit the assignment:
    • If you answered “True” to every question, move on to the next step (#20). You’re ready to submit your work.
    • If you did not answer “True” to every question, follow this process:
      • Return to your draft and revise it to meet all of the criteria.
      • Review your draft with the Recommendation Self-Check after you revise.
        • If you answered “True” to every question, move on to the next step (#20). You’re ready to submit your work.
        • If you did not answer “True” to every question, continue revising until you can.
  7. Submit your group‘s report here once you are ready. Only ONE member of your group needs to submit the report. See How do I submit an online assignment? if you need help with Canvas.

How to Find Feedback After Your Submit Your Work