
Flowchart showing this is the fifth item in the report's front matter: 1. Letter of Transmittal: Introduce the primary readers to the purpose and content. 2. Title Page: List the title, author, and date as well as the recipient. 3. Abstract: Provide a brief technical summary for readers familiar with the topic. 4. Table of Contents: List headings and sub-headings with page numbers or links. 5. Executive Summary: Summarize the background, findings, and implications for management.
The Sections of the Front Matter of the Recommendation Report

Summarize the background, findings, implications, and recommendations of your report for management, giving them the details they will need to implement the recommendations.

Where You Can Find Help

Focus on Audience

Address readers at the management-level in your executive summary. Focus on the information that managers need to provide support and leadership so that others can do the work to make your recommendations happen. Your readers would include people who work in purchasing, PR, hiring, and supervisors. You are telling these readers what they need to do to provide the resources and support to make your recommendations happen.

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From Technical Communication

How You Do It

  1. Obtain a full draft of the body sections of your report (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations) before beginning your Executive Summary.
  2. Add the heading for your Executive Summary:
    1. Add the phrase Executive Summary as the heading at the top of the page and center the line.
    2. Format the word so that it is clearly the heading for the page. You can use the built-in headings in your word processor.
    3. Skip a blank line.
  3. Write the content of your Executive Summary, focusing on information that managers need to know:

    Paragraph 1
    Begin with a brief statement of the subject of your report. Provide For an example, see the first paragraph of the Executive Summary in the Sample Recommendation Report.
    Paragraph 2
    Provide background details on your study, using specific evidence. For an example, check out the second paragraph of the Executive Summary in the Sample Recommendation Report.
    Paragraph 3
    Describe the research tasks you focused on in your study, using clear and direct language. See the third paragraph of the Executive Summary in the Sample Recommendation Report for help.
    Paragraph 4
    Explain the main findings and conclusions of your research. See the fourth paragraph of the Executive Summary in the Sample Recommendation Report for an example.
    Paragraph 5
    Conclude with your recommendation, including brief details supporting your suggestions. Explain why your recommendation is the best option to follow. See the fifth paragraph of the Executive Summary in the Sample Recommendation Report for help.
  4. Review your Executive Summary to confirm that you include all the information that readers of your report will need.
  5. Share your draft with your group and make additional revisions as necessary to connect with the other sections of your report.