
Flowchart showing this is the first item in the report's front matter: 1. Letter of Transmittal: Introduce the primary readers to the purpose and content. 2. Title Page: List the title, author, and date as well as the recipient. 3. Abstract: Provide a brief technical summary for readers familiar with the topic. 4. Table of Contents: List headings and sub-headings with page numbers or links. 5. Executive Summary: Summarize the background, findings, and implications for management.
The Sections of the Front Matter of the Recommendation Report

Introduce your Recommendation Report to its primary reader, the decision-maker. The front matter for your report may feel repetitive, but the items in the front matter have different audiences. In your letter of transmittal, focus on the big picture so that the decision-makers have all the basic information needed to determine whether to read the full report.

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Focus on Audience

Frame the information in your letter of transmittal for the reader who can decide whether to implement your recommendations. Address the decision-maker directly in the letter, and provide them with the details they need to decide whether to read more of the report. You are giving the decision-maker a fast summary of the report, focusing on issues that they care about.

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How You Do It

  1. Obtain a full draft of the body sections of your report (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations) before beginning your Letter of Transmittal. You can’t summarize what isn’t written yet.
  2. Place the Letter of Transmittal as the first thing in the report.
  3. Tips for Writing Strong Paragraphs

  4. Decide whether you want to write a letter or a memo. Letters and memos have different formats. You can choose either, but be sure that you follow the format for the one you decide on. Use the Resource Module: Correspondence for help with the format you choose: Letter Components or Memo Components.
  5. Add the appropriate document headers for the type of correspondence you choose. If you include a subject line, include a specific subject line that tells readers exactly what to expect. See the Strong Subject Lines page for help.
  6. Do not indicate the name of the assignment or course information in the Letter of Transmittal.
  7. Write the body of your Letter of Transmittal, following this advice:
    Paragraph 1
    Begin with a clear statement of the purpose and context for the report. Mention the title of the report specifically. For an example, see the first paragraph of the Letter of Transmittal in the Sample Recommendation Report.
    Paragraph 2
    Briefly summarize the methods used for research. See the second paragraph of the Letter of Transmittal in the Sample Recommendation Report.
    Paragraph 3
    Explain the principal findings of your research in the next paragraph of your Letter of Transmittal. See the third paragraph of the Letter of Transmittal in the Sample Recommendation Report for an example.
    Paragraph 4
    Clearly state your primary recommendation. See the fourth paragraph of the Letter of Transmittal in the Sample Recommendation Report for an example.
    Paragraph 5
    Conclude with an offer to follow-up or to provide more information. Include your contact details. See the final paragraph of the Letter of Transmittal in the Sample Recommendation Report.
  8. If you have chosen the letter format, add a closing and your signature block as well as any other required information. If you have chosen a memo, there is no closing or signature.
  9. Review your Letter of Transmittal to make sure it makes a good first impression. Remember that it is the first thing someone who reads the report will see.
  10. Share your draft with your group and make additional revisions as necessary to connect with the other sections of your report.