The Sections of the Back Matter of the Recommendation Report
List all of the sources for your report, using the style your group has agreed on. The References section is where you credit the sources that contributed to your report. You need References to ensure that readers know which information is yours and which was gathered from outside sources. Without the References section, it will appear that you plagiarized the report.
Where You Can Find Help
From Howdy or Hello? Technical and Professional Communication
If you find it there, copy it and paste it to your References page.
If it’s not there, write a citation for the source. If you like, use one of the Citation Builder Websites listed in the box on the right.
Arrange the citations in the order that your style requires. For instance, some styles list references alphabetically by the first author’s last name while others list references in the order they are mentioned in the text
Review your citations to check for the following:
Are all sources in the document listed?
Are the citations complete? For instance, are all page numbers included?
Are the citations in the correct order?
Is a line skipped between the citations?
If indentation is required, are all the citations indented?
Make any revisions that are needed after your check.
Share your draft with your group and make additional revisions as necessary to connect with the other sections of your report.