The Sections of the Body of the Recommendation Report
The Results section tells your readers about what you found when you conducted research. The Results Section is sometimes called the Findings Section. The names are interchangeable.
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Add the word Results as the heading at the top of the page and center the line. You can also use the heading Findings.
Format the word so that it is clearly the heading for the page. You can use the built-in headings in your word processor.
Skip a blank line.
Write the opening paragraph for the Results section. This short paragraph provides an advance organizer for the rest of the Results section. See the example opening in the first paragraph of the Results section in the Sample Recommendation Report for help.
For each task you identified in your research process in the Methods section, add a matching subsection with details on your research findings in the Results section. Follow these guidelines for each Task subsection:
Begin the subsection with a subheading that identifies the task by number and provides a brief statement of the task. The subheading should match the subheading in the Methods section. Ideally your subheading should be approximately 1 to 1½ lines long.
Format your subheading so that it is different from the paragraphs in the body and matches the subheadings in the Methods section. You can use the built-in headings in your word processor.
Provide the relevant details under each heading. Include the following information:
Explain what you found as a result of your research. Provide the details as objectively as possible. Save your commentary for the Conclusions section.
Outline any limitations to the data you collected, such as any information that you could not verify or options that were not examined.
Add in-text citations for outside sources that you mention (for instance, books, websites, or videos) as you explain your findings, following these guidelines:
Make sure that any information you quote from your primary or secondary research is enclosed in quotation marks.
Follow the documentation style your group has agreed upon.
Review the information in your subsection, and chunk the information into short paragraphs. The exact number of paragraphs in each of subsections will depend upon the specific details of your research process. See the section on “Chunking” on the Document Design: More Design Principles page.