What You Will Learn and Practice

What I Want You to Do

Flowchart showing this is the second section of the back matter: 1. References. List all of the sources for your report, using the style preferred by your field. 2. Appendixes. Provide any supplemental information that is too bulky to include in the body of the report.
The Sections of the Back Matter of the Recommendation Report

Add any supplemental information that relates to the report but that does not belong in the report itself. You can include any kind of information that provides more details or background for people who want to read more.

Why I Want You to Do It

The Appendixes give your readers more information about your topic and usually focuses on resources that are useful but that do not fit into the flow of the report itself. I am breaking the report out, section-by-section, to guide you through the process of writing the document and help make sure you include everything that is required for a complete report.

Where You Can Find Help

When to Do It

How You Do It

  1. Open the word processor document where you are working on your recommendation report.
  2. Scroll through your document to the location for your Appendixes.
  3. For each appendix, do the following:
    1. Begin the page heading by typing the word “Appendix” and the relevant letter at the top of the page
      • When there are several Appendixes, label each with a letter, not a number (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B).
      • If you include only one Appendix, omit the letter.
    2. Follow the label with a colon, and add the specific name of the appendix. For the example in the sample report in the textbook, the specific name is “Appendix: Clinical-Staff Questionnaire.”
    3. Center the page heading on the page.
    4. Skip a blank line.
    5. Add the content of the appendix (e.g., the questionnaire and its results).
  4. Review the section and make any additions or changes, using the information from the textbook and LinkedIn Learning video as needed.
  5. Go through the body of your report and ensure that all references to your Appendixes are labeled correctly with the letter and specific title.
  6. Copy the information from your Appendixes in your word processor document, and paste it into text box below. You do not have to worry about the formatting here, only in the finished report.
  7. Move on to the next part of your report that you want to work on.

How to Assess & Track Your Work

You track and grade your own work in this course. Be sure to complete the following tasks:

This is a working draft for your Best Submission. It is marked Complete in Canvas when you submit it for one of the two Feedback Discussions.