What You Need to Do

Success Tip

You can use the online texts, any notes that you have, and the available course pages in Canvas for help as you work on these questions. You can also talk to one another.

You’ll collaborate to review the document design of your proposal. Note that you’ll review how you’ve meet the content criteria for the proposal when each of you completes the Proposal Self-Check.

Connect with your group and decide how you will divide the tasks for this Try-It. Each group member must lead the work for one section of the Try-It.

How This Activity Connects to the Course

In this Try-It, you’ll evaluate how well your group proposal applies principles of document design to make your proposal easy to navigate and read. You’ll suggest revisions to improve your proposal before you submit it. You’ll do similar document design analysis for all the Major Projects remaining in the course. It’s useful to be able to scan a document in the workplace in a similar way.

How to Do It

Preparing for Your Week 09 Group Meeting

  1. Connect with the members of your group to arrange a meeting time that fits everyone’s schedules. You can meet using whatever system works best for your group.
    Show/Hide Ways to Meet
  2. Before you meet, review the Group Proposal Document Design Form, choosing one of the options below:

During Your Week 09 Group Meeting

  1. Meet with your group as scheduled to arrange the work on this activity. You can also collaborate during your meeting to fill out the form together.
  2. Choose a group member to keep minutes for your meeting, using the information on the Meeting Minutes Format page to record your group’s decisions.
  3. Complete the tasks listed in the Week 09 Meeting Agenda. As you work through the items, record your decisions in your Meeting Minutes.

After Your Week 09 Group Meeting

  1. Group Leader: Make an Announcement in your Group doing the following:
    • Title the Announcement: Week 9 Meeting Minutes.
    • Add any notes from the Minutes that you want to highlight as important.
    • Attach a copy of your Week 9 Meeting Minutes.
    Placing this information in an Announcement ensures that everyone has access to the minutes and the decisions that your group has made.
  2. Submit your completed Group Proposal Document Design Form as a PDF here once everyone in your group has completed their designated section(s).


I will assess group members individually based on their participation. To earn a Complete, the section you are responsible for must be filled out fully. I will mark your work for this Try-It Complete (or Incomplete) after the end of the Grace Period passes. Allow me several days to read and mark your work.