What You Need to Do
Success Tip
You can use the online texts, any notes that you have, and the available course pages in Canvas for help as you work on these questions. You can also talk to one another.
Begin collecting primary research for your Recommendation Report by deciding what each group member will do and setting a target due date for having your primary research gathered. Each group member should collect primary research for this activity.
How This Activity Connects to the Course
You and your group are working directly on your Recommendation Report by gathering the information that you will include in your report. Typically the primary research that you gather will help you demonstrate why the recommendations that you make are needed and/or why they will be effective.
How to Do It
Before You Meet
- Connect with the members of your group to arrange a meeting time that fits everyone’s schedules. You can meet using whatever system works best for your group. You can meet for both this Try-It and Try-It #19 at the same time.
Show/Hide Ways to Meet
- Gather in a Zoom or Teams meeting.
- Post ideas in a Canvas Group Discussion. The following links can help you:
- Meet in person on campus or another convenient location.
- Prepare for your meeting by doing these tasks so that you are ready to decide what you want to focus on for your primary research:
- Read the Recommendation Report Research Guide, paying particular attention to the options for primary research.
- (Optional, if needed) Review your website so that you are familiar with the pages your group will examine in the Recommendation Report.
Review the Primary Research Plan Form, choosing one of the options below:
During Your Meeting
Meet with your group as scheduled to arrange your group’s primary research plan by completing these activities:
- Download a copy of the Primary Research Plan Form (see #2c above) for your group to fill in, and upload it to your Shared Folder (which you created during Week 7) so that everyone can access it.
- Create a subfolder in your Project Folder for your primary research:
- Name your folder Primary Research.
- Test that everyone in the group can add files to the Primary Research subfolder.
- Schedule a day and time when group members should have completed their sections so that you can turn your work in. If necessary, update your schedule in the Calendar Pro tab of Teams.
- Plan the primary research for your website, using the information under the “Primary Research for Your Recommendation Report” heading on the Recommendation Report Research Guide page.
- Fill in the Primary Research Plan Form as a group, listing the details for your group.
- Submit a copy of your completed file here by one of the following methods:
- Upload a copy of the file
- Submit the link to your file in your Project Folder.
After Your Meeting
- Complete your assigned research by the Target Due Date your group agreed to.
- Once you collect your research data (including notes, test results, and screenshots), add them to the Primary Research subfolder so that everyone in your group can access them.
I will assess group members individually based on their participation. To earn a Complete, all the information must be filled in and each group member must participate in signing up for part of the work. I will mark your work for this Try-It Complete (or Incomplete) after the end of the Grace Period. Allow me several days to read and mark your work.