What You Need to Do

Read and respond to a workplace scenario that presents an ethical dilemma in at least two Discussion posts. In your response, address what you would do in the situation and suggest strategies to avoid the dilemma in the future. Discuss the posted options with your group as you consider what to do in the situation. Use the step-by-step instructions below to complete the task.

How This Activity Connects to the Course

Ethical considerations matter in everything that you write in the workplace. You may well find yourself in a situation similar to this scenario once you graduate (or even sooner as an intern). This scenario considers cultural sensitivity in the images that a company uses.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Success Tip

You can use the online texts, any notes that you have, and the available course pages in Canvas for help as you work on these questions. You can also talk to one another.

  1. Read the scenario below and consider the ethical dilemma involved for Jia.
  2. In your your first post, do the following:
    1. Present a position statement that answers the question “What would you do in this situation?”
      • Provide reasoning from your own personal code of ethics. Here you focus on what YOU think is right.
      • Provide reasoning from your discipline’s code of ethics, OR Provide at least one supporting statement or example from the Ethics Resource Module.
    2. Explain what Jia should do in the future to avoid such situations.
  3. Read the posts from others in your group, paying attention to how you agree or disagree on their solutions.
  4. Write at least one additional post to discuss the solution your group will recommend and the actions Jia should take to avoid such dilemmas in the future.

The Scenario

Cultural Sensitivity in AI-Generated Images

A Chinese person in a meeting, discussing photos that are spread across the table.
Image created with Midjourney

PharmElixir, a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer in Canada, is known for its innovative approaches in mRNA vaccines. To save money, the company uses AI models to generate images for its marketing and technical content. While this technology offers efficiency, it also brings challenges, especially regarding cultural sensitivity.


Jia, a marketing manager at PharmElixir, has been asked to create guidelines for the use of AI-generated images. The goal is to ensure that these images are culturally sensitive and respectful of diverse cultural norms and practices. Jia must decide how to approach this task and effectively communicate these guidelines to the company’s employees, ensuring everyone understands and adheres to them.

Options for Jia

  • Create Comprehensive Guidelines: Develop detailed guidelines that outline specific cultural sensitivities, including examples and best practices.
  • Conduct Training Workshops: Organize workshops for employees to educate them on the importance of cultural sensitivity and how to apply the guidelines.
  • Implement an Approval Process: Establish a review system where a diverse committee evaluates AI-generated images before they are published.
  • Use Pre-Approved Image Libraries: Curate a collection of culturally sensitive images that employees can use, reducing the reliance on AI-generated content.

Issues to Consider as You Decide What Jia Should Do

  • Impact on Brand Reputation: How will the guidelines affect PharmElixir’s public image and reputation?
  • Employee Understanding: Will employees easily understand and implement the guidelines?
  • Resource Allocation: What resources (time, money, personnel) are required to develop and maintain these guidelines?
  • Diversity and Inclusion: How can Jia ensure the guidelines promote diversity and inclusion within the company?
  • Feedback Mechanisms: What systems can be put in place to gather feedback and continuously improve the guidelines?


Jia has several options to consider, each with its own set of advantages and challenges. The decision should balance the need for cultural sensitivity with practical implementation strategies, ensuring that PharmElixir can effectively use AI-generated images while respecting diverse cultural norms and practices.


I will mark your participation in this Discussion Complete (or Incomplete) after the end of the Grace Period passes and I confirm that you have made at least two posts (required: one response to the original scenario, and a second in response to others in your class). Allow me several days to read and mark all your posts.