What You Need to Do

Read and respond to a workplace scenario that presents an ethical dilemma in at least two Discussion posts. In your response, address what you would do in the situation and suggest strategies to avoid the dilemma in the future. Discuss the posted options with your group. Use the step-by-step instructions below to complete the task.

How This Activity Connects to the Course

Ethical considerations matter in everything that you write in the workplace. You may well find yourself in a situation similar to this scenario once you graduate (or even sooner as an intern). This scenario focuses on the autonomy of workers, in this case writers, when AI is also being used in the workplace.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Success Tip

You can use the online texts, any notes that you have, and the available course pages in Canvas for help as you work on these questions. You can also talk to one another.

  1. Read the scenario below and consider the ethical dilemma involved for Ramón and the team members.
  2. In your your first post, do the following:
    1. Present a position statement that answers the question “What would you do in this situation?”
      • Provide reasoning from your own personal code of ethics. Here you focus on what YOU think is right.
      • Provide reasoning from your discipline’s code of ethics, OR Provide at least one supporting statement or example from the Ethics Resource Module.
    2. Explain what Ramón’s team should do in the future to avoid such situations.
  3. Read the posts from others in your group, paying attention to how you agree or disagree on their solutions.
  4. Write at least one additional post to discuss the solution your group will recommend and the actions Ramón’s team should take to avoid such dilemmas in the future.

The Scenario

Balancing AI Efficiency with Writer Autonomy

A diverse group of coworkers, engaged in a collaborative discussion around a table with laptops and notebooks.
Image created with Midjourney

Ramón is a senior technical writer at CodeCraft, a software development company known for its innovative products and cutting-edge technology. Recently, CodeCraft integrated a generative AI tool called DocuGen into its documentation process. DocuGen uses natural language processing and machine learning to create comprehensive software documentation, including user manuals, API guides, and troubleshooting instructions.

Ramón and his team have been using DocuGen for a few months, and it has dramatically increased their productivity. The AI tool can produce initial drafts of documentation much faster than human writers, allowing the team to focus on refining and adding nuanced details. However, Ramón has noticed several issues with the AI-generated documentation:

  • The AI sometimes includes outdated or incorrect information, which requires careful review and correction.
  • Ramón is concerned about the loss of the team’s unique writing style and the potential decline in the overall quality and clarity of the documentation.
  • The documentation team values their ability to make independent decisions and take responsibility for their work. They fear that AI is challenging their autonomy.
  • Some team members are worried about their job security as the reliance on AI increases.

During a project review meeting, the product manager proposes that the company fully transition to using DocuGen for all documentation needs, citing cost savings and increased efficiency.Ramón is asked to provide his input on the proposal.

Options for Ramón

  • Follow AI Recommendations: Implement DocuGen’s suggestions fully, trusting the AI’s data-driven approach to improve documentation.
  • Add Human Review: Conduct a thorough review of the AI’s generated content, making selective changes that enhance accuracy and preserve the team’s writing style.
  • Seek a Balanced Approach: Integrate both AI insights and human judgment, involving the team in the decision-making process to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of the AI-generated content.
  • Implement Training Programs: Propose training programs for the team to enhance their skills in working with AI tools, ensuring effective collaboration with the AI.
  • Improve AI System: Work with the AI development team to enhance DocuGen’s algorithms, ensuring it better understands the importance of context, accuracy, and the team’s writing style.

Issues to Consider as You Decide What Ramón Should Do

  • Accuracy and Reliability: How should CodeCraft address the inaccuracies and outdated information in the AI-generated documentation? What processes should be in place to ensure the reliability of the documentation while preserving the team’s autonomy?
  • Quality and Style: How important is the human touch in technical documentation? Can generative AI tools match the quality and style of experienced human writers? Should there be a balance between AI and human-written content to maintain the team’s autonomy in their work?
  • Employment and Skills: What are the ethical implications of potentially reducing the need for human technical writers? How can CodeCraft ensure that its employees’ skills are still valued and developed in an AI-integrated environment, supporting their autonomy?
  • Transparency and User Trust: Should CodeCraft inform its users that their documentation is generated by AI? How might this affect user trust and the company’s reputation?
  • Ethical Use of AI: What ethical considerations should be taken into account when deciding to use generative AI for documentation? How can CodeCraft balance the benefits of AI with the ethical responsibility to its employees and customers?


Ramón faces a complex decision that involves evaluating the benefits of AI-driven documentation against potential ethical and practical challenges. The discussion should explore the implications of using generative AI in technical communication, highlighting the need for a thoughtful approach that ensures accuracy, quality, and ethical responsibility.


I will mark your participation in this Discussion Complete (or Incomplete) after the end of the Grace Period passes and I confirm that you have made at least two posts (required: one response to the original scenario, and a second in response to others in your class). Allow me several days to read and mark all your posts.