The User Documentation Revision and Reflection Memo project focuses on revising a piece of user documentation and composing a reflection memo that explains your revision choices.
Write or compose as much as you need to, but be sure to include all of the required information. There is no specific length requirement, just be sure to cover how to complete the task fully.
Project Criteria
My User Documentation Revision and Reflection Memo Project . . .
- Focuses on a user documentation webpage or PDF with instructions that someone in my intended career would use to complete a work task and that meets the Website Criteria included in the assignment.
- Improves an existing piece of user documentation by meeting the following requirements:
- Revises convoluted, overly formal, and confusing language with plain, simple language.
- Applies design principles to the document, including a title and internal headings, to approve its readability.
- Addresses all ethical considerations to ensure that the user documentation is honest, inclusive, and accessible.
- Ensures that legal disclaimers and policies are clear and legible and that citations are used properly.
- Adapts the content for multiple readers, including international readers.
- Is submitted as a PDF with your revised layout and design represented accurately.
- Includes a reflection memo that provides the following information on the user documentation revision:
- Follows the layout and format of the Annotated User Documentation Reflection Memo Template.
- Includes a each of the following sections, with each body section connecting to the course readings to explain the changes that you made and providing examples that demonstrate the impact of the changes:
- Section 1: Memo Headers
- Section 2: Introduction
- Section 3: Plain Language Revision
- Section 4: Redesign
- Section 5: Ethical, Legal, and Cultural Considerations
- Section 6: Rhetorical Analysis
- Section 7: Conclusion
- Ends with a conclusion that reviews your evaluation of the original document and summarizes how your changes have improved the document, as well as provides contact information.
- Uses standard memo format and document design, with appropriate spacing, headings, and page numbers.