This project focuses on researching and analyzing four different webpages to learn about some of the types of writing produced by those who work in your career field. After gathering information about the types of writing, you will write an informal report in memo format.
Write or compose as much as you need to, but be sure to include all of the required information. There is no specific length requirement. Just be sure to include the required sections and details.
Project Criteria
My Survey of Writing Informal Report . . .
- Analyzes at least four different webpages, each focusing on a different type of writing produced by someone who works in career field that my major prepares me to work in.
- Uses the Annotated Website Survey Memo Template and the Website Survey Memo Template (Format Only), following the indicated formatting.
- Includes document title and all memo headers.
- Uses a clear, specific subject line. see Strong Subject Lines for help.
- Introduces the report in the first paragraph of the memo.
- Provides details on how you found the information in your report in the second paragraph of the memo, under the Approach heading.
- Introduces the four types of writing you’ve examined in the advance organizer, under the Types of Writing heading.
- Summarizes each type of writing you learned about in four separate subsections by including the following:
- a heading that identifies the type of writing
- a separate paragraph under the heading that identifies these 5 items in paragraph form:
- genre (What type of writing is it, and what are its characteristics?)
- purpose of the type of writing (What is this type of writing meant to do?)
- the traditional audience for the genre
- Usual mode of delivery (paper, electronic, etc.)
- Its usual length (in paragraphs or pages)
- Provides conclusions drawn from the research (what you learned) under the Conclusions heading.
- Ends the memo with a conclusion that includes contact information.