Inserting an image in a word processor document is relatively easy. The hard part is using what you know about the design elements of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity to make your image contribute positively to your message.

As you add images to your Recommendation Report, consider these ideas:

Design Principle Think About These Questions
Contrast Is the size of the image appropriate for the length of the text?
Does it stand out without overwhelming the design?
Repetition Does the style of the image match the style of the text?
Are colors a way to include repetition in the text?
Alignment Does the image line up with the margin(s) of the text?
Proximity Is the image near the information that it relates to?
Have you wrapped the text around the image to tighten proximity?

To learn about the tools available in your word processor, watch one of the following videos, both from LinkedIn Learning. These videos are free with your VT login. Follow these instructions to login: