You have likely seen scores of infographics. Their combination of words and images can inform, persuade, and entertain readers in ways that plain old text may not. Text alone has to work harder. Infographics crystalize the important facts and ideas into images and text that come across in a more reader-friendly way.
Infographics offer a way to visualize technical descriptions by showing an object or process in ways that highlight what an object looks like or how the parts of a process connect. Not all inforgraphics are technical descriptions, of course; but you can usually find examples of descriptive infographics with a simple Google Search.
Because infographics are one way you can create your technical description project, today I want to share a video that identifies the criteria that make a good infographic. The LinkedIn Learning video What makes a good infographic? (1m 43s) provides a quick overview of the characteristics that effective infographics have in common: