What You Will Practice & Do

What I Want You to Do

Every week you will track the work that you do for the course in a Canvas Assignment. Your log will note what you do, how long you work, and how hard you worked.

Why I Want You to Do It

Submitting your weekly work log allows you to keep track of your progress in the class, making sure you are up-to-date on your work. You will rely on your logs to write two self-assessments:

When to Do It

How to Do It

  1. Open the Weekly Work Log Assignment in the Module for the current week. You can find the link in the Module for the week.
  2. Download the Work Log template for the week.
  3. Open the template in your word processor.
  4. Add the relevant details to the template, outlining the work that you have done for the week. The log pages for each week include the headings shown below, with the date for the current week at the top of the document:
    Screenshot from the Google Doc template for Work Logs

    Under each of these headings, include the following information:

How to Assess & Track Your Work

I will review your entries several times during the term and give you feedback if I want you to change something.

Work is always marked as either 1 for Complete or 0 for Incomplete: