A professional project includes documentation for any resources (words, images, videos, audio clips, etc.) that the writer did not create.
Before you submit your recommendation report, go through your draft and check for the following:
- Any words, phrases, and sentences that you have taken from another source are enclosed in quotation marks.
- Information that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized from another source is indicated with a citation.
- All sources you used in your project are listed in a bibliography at the end of the project.
TIP: Use the citation and bibliography format that is appropriate for your intended career. For instance, an electrical engineer can use IEEE. If you are unsure what to use, check with a professor or graduate student in your major, or contact a librarian for help.
Where You Can Find More Information
- Bibliography Generators
- NC State Citation Builder creates Council of Science Editors (CSE/CBE), MLA, APA, and Chicago citations for free.
- EasyBib online citation builder creates MLA-format for free.
- MyBib creates MLA, APA, IEEE, ACM, and Chicago citations for free.
- Zotero Bib creates APA, MLA, Turabian, and Chicago for free.
- From Course Webpages:
- From LinkedIn Learning:
- The series “Research and Create Citations” (21m 50s) explains Microsoft Word’s built-in tools for managing your citations and bibliography. The series includes these videos:
- From other websites: