LEGO instructions for assembling an airplaneThis module asks you to begin the process of writing the instructions that you (or someone else) will use to conduct primary research for your recommendation report. Once you write your instructions, you’ll use them to guide the primary research that you do for your report.

This is the second of three weeks we will spend focusing on your primary research and secondary research.

Connections to the Recommendation Report

The primary and secondary research you conduct will support your report in these ways:


What You Will Learn & Practice


Activities to Complete

Due Dates

📚 To Read This Week

📝 To Write This Week

💬 To Discuss This Week

  1. Post any Questions about the Recommendation Report or Questions about the Instructions that you have (optional). You can check this Discussion for answers as well.
  2. You can participate in either of these discussions, depending upon when you have a draft ready to share. If you want, you can participate in both of them as well. It’s completely up to you. Just remember that if you post a draft, you will assigned two drafts to add feedback to.

    Instructions Feedback Discussion

    • Follow the directions in the Instructions Feedback Discussion to share what you have created with the class for peer feedback.
    • After peer review partners are assigned (Saturday, September 25), read drafts from your classmates and offer feedback on how to revise. Feedback is due by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, September 29.

    Second-Chance Feedback Discussion

    • If you need more time to write your Instructions draft, follow the directions in the Second-Chance Instructions Feedback Discussion.
    • After peer review partners are assigned (Thursday, September 30), read drafts from your classmates and offer feedback on how to revise. Feedback is due by 11:59 PM on Monday, October 4.

📓 To Track This Week



Photo credit: Lego promotional 40049 - mini Sopwith Camel by InSapphoWeTrust on Flickr, used under a CC-BY-SA 2.0 license.