Hand-drawn outline of thoughts on the process of outliningIt’s time to begin working directly on the Recommendation Report project.  By the end of this week, aim to have the organization of your report sketched out. You should also understand how the work you completed earlier in this term will appear in your report.

The next weeks will be busy, as you complete the various sections of the report. If you have time to work ahead, this is a good week to do so! Ideally, you will have a full draft of your Recommendation Report before you leave for Thanksgiving break.


What You Will Learn & Practice


Activities to Complete

Due Dates

📚 To Read This Week

📝 To Write This Week

💬 To Discuss This Week

📓 To Track This Week



Photo credit: 2013-10-09 Thinking about visual outlining #learning #sharing #writing by Sacha Chua on Flickr, used under CC-BY 2.0 license.