This week you will continue work on your Recommendation Report. You will finish any work remaining on the body of your report and move on to the front and back matter.

Flowchart showing the items in the report's front matter: 1. Letter of Transmittal: Introduce the primary readers to the purpose and content. 2. Title Page: List the title, author, and date as well as the recipient. 3. Abstract: Provide a brief technical summary for readers familiar with the topic. 4. Table of Contents: List headings and sub-headings with page numbers or links. 5. Executive Summary: Summarize the background, findings, and implications for management.
The Sections of the Front Matter of the Recommendation Report
Flowchart showing the sections of the back matter: 1. References. List all of the sources for your report, using the style preferred by your field. 2. Appendixes. Provide any supplemental information that is too bulky to include in the body of the report.
The Sections of the Back Matter of the Recommendation Report

If you work diligently, you should have a full draft of your report before you leave for Thanksgiving break. When you return, you will have a week to revise and review. Your full report (and any other outstanding work in the course) will be due by Friday, December 3, 2021.


What You Will Learn & Practice


Activities to Complete

Due Dates

📚 To Read This Week

📝 To Write This Week

Feedback on These Activities

I will see the work you do for these seven activities when I read the draft that you submit for feedback or submit your best draft. Each of these activities provides you with the instructions for the section and advice on how to compose the sections effectively.

💬 To Discuss This Week

📓 To Track This Week