It’s time for the final exam, which will propose the grade you should receive in the course.
- The final exam must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, December 15, 2021.
- At this point, no additional work can be submitted.
What You Will Learn & Practice
- How to analyze your audience and purpose so that you can choose supporting material that is convincing to your readers and decide the best way to present information clearly and effectively. [CLO 1]
- How to find and evaluate ethical evidence in secondary sources, such as books, articles, podcasts, and videos, and through primary research, such as observation, inspection, experiment, and interview, that supports your position, that supports your position. [CLOs 2 & 3]
- How to write documents you may encounter in the workplace, such as letters, memos, instructions, proposals, reports, and presentations. [CLO 4]
- Collaborate with classmates in planning, researching, writing, revising, and presenting information. [CLO 5]
- How to use colors, layout, and formatting that make your documents understandable and easy to read and how to take advantage of design principles, including contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity, to communicate your ideas effectively. [CLO 6]
- How to choose words, phrases, sentences, lists, and other text features to communicate effectively with readers. [CLO 7]
📚 To Read for Help with the Final
- Markel & Selber, Chapter 8, “Communicating Persuasively”
- Webpages:
📝 To Write