Photo of construction progress on Bishop-Favrao Hall, from 2007This week marks the middle of the semester, so it’s time for you to look over the work that you have done, the effort that you have put in, and what you have learned. You’ll examine your work and consider where and how you put in your best effort.

You will write a progress report that evaluates the work you have done so far in the course and that lets me know how confident you are about reaching your goals for the course.

There is still plenty of time to meet your goals so do your best to honestly think about what you’ve accomplished and what you still need to do.


What You Will Learn & Practice


Activities to Complete

Due Dates

📚 To Read This Week

📝 To Write This Week

💬 To Discuss This Week

  1. Check in with your Accountability Group, according to the agreement that you have made.
    • Be sure that group members understand that the Midterm Progress Report has a short Grace Period, which ends at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, March 16.
    • Remind your group that Work Logs have a 5-day grace period and must be submitted by March 16.
  2. There are no Feedback Discussions this week. Since you are writing about your grade this week, it would be a FERPA violation to ask you to share that information with others in the class.
  3. If there is anything you want advice on, post in the Questions about the Midterm Progress Report Discussion. You can check this Discussion for answers as well.

📓 To Track This Week



Photo credit: Virginia Tech Hokies by Big Ed’s Photos on Flickr, used under a CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 license.