Instructions explaining how to use a sushi mold

Welcome to Week Five of the course. This week we will focus on writing instructions, a task that you’ll be asked to do frequently in the workplace and in other settings.

For your Instructions assignment, you will explain how to complete a food-related task that uses the object you focused on in your Technical Description. For instance, if you described a Keurig Machine in your Technical Description, your Instructions assignment could focus on how to prepare a cup of coffee with a Keurig.

Holidays & Events This Week

Here are the events coming up this week:

If any of these events interferes with your work in the class, send me a message with Canvas Inbox and let me know how you need me to adjust your due dates.


Objectives for this Module

After completing this week’s activities, you address the following course objectives:

Activities to Complete

Due Dates

📚 To Read This Week

  1. Chapter 20 of Markel & Selber, “Writing Definitions, Descriptions, & Instructions,” pp. 569–587
  2. Managing Paragraph Lengths video (3m 20s) 


📝 To Write This Week

💬 To Discuss This Week


📓 To Check-In This Week


Photo Credit: Instructions by Ewen Roberts on Flickr, used under a CC-BY 2.0 license.