Asian woman reading text on an iPadTechnical writing is any kind of writing you might be called upon to produce for an audience in your particular workplace. The term refers not only to complex, lengthy, heavily-illustrated documents like reports and user guides, but also to shorter pieces of writing like memos, letters, and progress reports.

But guess what? Technical writing can take place outside the workplace as well: Did you ever

All of these kinds of communicating are technical writing—and I bet you have a lot of experience with that kind of technical writing.

This week’s activities introduce you to the ethical and legal considerations that influence technical writing.

Holidays & Events This Week

Here‘s what‘s coming up this week:

If any of these holidays will interfere with your work in the class, send me a message with Canvas Inbox and let me know how you need me to adjust your due dates.

Objectives for this Module

Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to perform the technical writing tasks defined by the learning objectives for the course:

Activities to Complete

Due Dates

📚 To Read This Week

📝 To Do This Week


💬 To Ask Questions (Optional)

📓 To Check-In This Week

Photo credit: null by Beryl Chan on Flickr, used under public domain.