Line drawings of a GameBoy being dropped and suffering injuries and another GameBoy being exposed to strong heat and very cold temperatures
Illustrations inside Japanese GameBoy instruction/user manual by Bryan Ochalla on Flickr, used under a CC-BY-SA 2.0 license

Welcome to Week Four of the course. At this point, you should have completed and submitted the first Major Project, Survey of Website Writing In Your Field Informal Report Assignment if you’re keeping up with the Target Due Dates. If you haven’t submited it yet, the Checkpoint Deadline is Monday, February 17. See Target Due Dates and Checkpoint Deadlines for more information.

The next projects in the course focus on writing clear and concise documents. Not only does this topic deal with using plain language when you describe technical topics, but it also considers how document design contributes to creating a reader-centered document.

Holidays & Events This Week

If any of these events interferes with your work in the class, send me a message with Canvas Inbox and let me know how you need me to adjust your due dates.

Objectives for this Module

By completing this week’s activities, you address the following course objectives:

Due Dates & Deadlines This Week

Event Date Work Effected
3-Day Grace Period By 11:59 PM on Wednesday, February 12 Week 3 Try-Its and the Check-in Survey
Target Due Date for Weekly Activities By 11:59 PM on Friday, February 14 Week 4 Try-Its and the Check-in Survey
Checkpoint Deadline By 11:59 PM on Monday, February 17 Survey of Website Writing Assignment and the related Self-Check
3-Day Grace Period By 11:59 PM on Wednesday, February 19 Week 4 Try-Its and the Check-in Survey

See the information on Target Due Dates and Checkpoint Deadlines for additional details on these dates. The full list of course due dates and deadlines is listed in the Technical Writing Dates and Deadlines.

Activities to Complete

📚 To Read This Week

📝 To Do This Week

💬 To Ask Questions (Optional)

📓 To Check-In This Week