Research sources spread out on a table, showing highlighted passages
Research process by Raul Pacheco-Vega on Flickr

Welcome to Week Six of the course. This week, we finish up work on the User Documentation Revision & Memo Assignment. To ensure that you earn a Complete on your work, pay attention to the Criteria, which tell you exactly what I will look for in your submissions.

Next week we will begin work on the Group Recommendation Report by starting the process of writing a proposal. Next week also marks the middle of the semester, so it’s a good opportunity for you to aim to finish any outstanding work from the first half of the term that you’re eligible to submit. See the information on Target Due Dates and Checkpoint Deadlines for details.

Holidays & Events This Week

There are a lot of significant holidays that take place or begin this week. Please take advantage of the grace period if it will help you observe your holiday. If you need me to adjust any dates, send me a message in Canvas.

Objectives for this Module

After completing this week’s activities, you address the following course objectives:

Due Dates & Deadlines This Week

Event Date Work Effected
3-Day Grace Period By 11:59 PM on Wednesday, February 26 Week 5 Try-Its and the Check-in Survey
Target Due Date for Weekly Activities By 11:59 PM on Friday, February 28 Week 6 Try-Its and the Check-in Survey
Target Due Date for the Major Project By 11:59 PM on Friday, February 28 User Documentation Revision & Reflection Memo Assignment and the related Self-Check
3-Day Grace Period By 11:59 PM on Wednesday, March 5 Week 6 Try-Its and the Check-in Survey

See the information on Target Due Dates and Checkpoint Deadlines for additional details on these dates. The full list of course due dates and deadlines is listed in the Technical Writing Dates and Deadlines.

Activities to Complete

📚 To Read This Week

📝 To Do This Week

💬 To Ask Questions (Optional)


📓 To Check-In This Week