Welcome to Week Thirteen of the course. This week you will continue work on your Recommendation Report. You will finish any work remaining on the body of your report and move on to the front and back matter.

Flowchart showing the items in the report's front matter
The Sections of the Front Matter of the Recommendation Report
 Transcript of Front Matter Image

Flowchart showing the items in the report’s front matter:

  1. Letter of Transmittal: Introduce the primary readers to the purpose and content.
  2. Title Page: List the title, author, and date as well as the recipient.
  3. Abstract: Provide a brief technical summary for readers familiar with the topic.
  4. Table of Contents: List headings and sub-headings with page numbers or links.
  5. Executive Summary: Summarize the background, findings, and implications for management.
Flowchart showing the sections of the back matter
The Sections of the Back Matter of the Recommendation Report
 Transcript of Back Matter Image

Flowchart showing the items in the report’s front matter:

  1. References. List all of the sources for your report, using the style preferred by your field.
  2. Appendixes. Provide any supplemental information that is too bulky to include in the body of the report.

Holidays & Events This Week

If you observe these holidays or events and need me to adjust your due dates, send me a message in Canvas.


Objectives for this Module

After completing this week’s activities, you address the following course objectives:

Due Dates & Deadlines This Week

Event Date Work Effected
Checkpoint Deadline By 11:59 PM on Monday, April 21 Progress Report and the related self-check
3-Day Grace Period By 11:59 PM on Wednesday, April 23 Week 12 Try-Its and the Check-In Survey
Target Due Date for Weekly Activities By 11:59 PM on Friday, April 25 Week 13 Try-Its and the Check-In Survey
Target Due Date for Major Projects By 11:59 PM on Tuesday, April 29 Recommendation Report and the related self-check
3-Day Grace Period By 11:59 PM on Wednesday, April 30 Week 13 Try-Its and the Check-In Survey
Checkpoint Deadline for Major Projects By 11:59 PM on Wednesday, April 30 Recommendation Report and the related self-check
Final Grace Period By 11:59 PM on Friday, May 2 All Major Projects and their related self-checks
One-Shot Submissions and Eligible Revisions

See the information on Target Due Dates and Checkpoint Deadlines for additional details on these dates. The full list of course due dates and deadlines is listed in the Technical Writing Dates and Deadlines.

Activities to Complete

📚 To Read This Week

📝 To Do This Week

💬 To Ask Questions (Optional)


📓 To Check-In This Week