Lots of handbooks explain how punctuation works, but who wants to read every page of information in a grammar textbook? Today’s post won’t eliminate the need to look up how certain rules work; however, it does provide a nice overview of the primary ways that most punctuation marks are used.

I suspect that you will be familiar with a lot of the rules, especially for marks like periods, commas, and exclamation points. Other punctuation marks may be new to you, such as en dashes and em dashes.

If you need more information on a punctuation mark, try searching for details on the information on Punctuation on the Purdue OWL site.

Transcript is below the image. A full-size version is also available.

Transcript: The 69 Rules of Punctuation

As created by TheVisualCommunicationGuy.com | 2015; Transcript by Rebecca Schmieley

There are exceptions to these rules and there are other rules beyond these 69. This chart represents the most commonly accepted ways to use punctuation in English.

Em Dashes

<The em dash is a much longer hyphen (-) or a slightly longer en dash (–). >



Quotation Marks

“    ”



(  )


‘    ’

En Dashes

Exclamation Marks



[  ]



Question Marks





