WPA-Announcements Googlegroup

Table of Contents

WPA-Announcements is an announcement list for calls, job listings, conferences, and other matters of interest to Writing Program Administrators and those who teach rhetoric and composition in higher ed.This list promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

Appropriate posts can include announcements for new sites, new books/articles, new journal issues, and other new/updated things of interest to those teaching in or managing writing programs. All messages will be reviewed before posting.

This is not a discussion list. It focuses only on distributing relevant details on new, evolving, and in-progress work relevant to the scholarship of writing, composition, rhetoric and teaching (and all the intersections of those areas).

How to Join or Access the Posts

If you prefer email, join https://groups.google.com/g/wpa-announcements. The email list feeds distribution to other social media, so the same posts appear in these locations:

My Posting Guidelines

These guidelines are evolving and will be updated as necessary.

  1. Typically the first word of the subject line will tell you the content area of the message (e.g., Job, CFP, Event). I frequently rephrase subject lines to make the content of the message clear and precise.
  2. I forward announcements from a variety of sources. I monitor the following email lists and groups for announcements:
  3. I also forward announcements I see on Twitter and Facebook when I see anything appropriate. I do not actively search either location however.
  4. I only forward accessible messages. If the message is an image only, I usually won't forward it. Please provide a transcript for all images. Because of the high volume of messages forwarded, I frequently do not have time to create a transcript for you.
  5. I use these guidelines to edit the messages that I forward:
  6. I reject posts that are off-topic and clearly sales promotions. I also reject inappropriate posts. I focus on announcements that are equitable, diverse, and inclusive. I reject posts that do not support the needs of colleagues with disabilities. For instance, I would reject an announcement that includes all information in an image without a transcript or parallel description in the text. My decisions are final.
  7. I do not send a reply to requests to post an announcement. This is strictly a time management decision. It is not in any way a reflection of my love and respect for my colleagues. It's about reality: If I have to send out an announcement AND a message to tell you that I posted your announcement, I double my work.

How to Send Your Announcement to the List

If you post your announcement to any of the lists in #2 above, I will find it and forward it. You don't need to do anything.

If you don't post your announcement in any of those places (um, why don’t you??), you can email it to me at tengrrl@tengrrl.com. 

List Manager

Traci Gardner, tengrrl@tengrrl.com